Winning an award is something that makes any producer very happy

Winning an award is something that makes any producer very happy

Winning an award is something that makes any producer very happy. Here at Andrade Bros is no different, of course. In recent weeks we have won four awards with our coffees within the Carpec Champion stage (9th edition of the Region of Cerrado Mineiro award). Our award-winning coffees were:

- 2nd place (Induced Fermentation Category)
- 3rd place (Induced Fermentation Category)
- 2nd place (Pulped Natural Category)
- 4th place (Natural Category)

In addition, we were also classified as finalists in the Coffee of the Year (among the 200 best coffee lots in Brazil) and EMATER competitions.

If winning the awards confirms that we are on the right path, on the other hand, the frequency with which we managed to position ourselves among the finalists, generates more and more consistency in the work philosophy we adopt, governed by the constant search for quality and continuous improvement.

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