Capim Branco is one of the oldest Estate Coffees in Brazil, dating back to 1901. It did take a long way to stand were we are.

When we talk about family business it involves more than a 115 years on the fields growing a coffee lineage and keeping our traditions. Capim Branco is famous for its specialty coffees; the Farm is located near Carmo do Paranaiba, Minas Gerais.

The Terroir is perfect and the landscapes are breathtaking. Our Family history is inspiring and makes want to grow further in quality, as they did back in time.


Acreage: 300 hectares.
Number of trees: 1.5 million.
Varietals: Yellow Catuaí.
Altitude: 1,150 meters.
Meaning of Capim Branco: White Grass – Due to the blossoming time all trees are white.
Brother´s name: Eduardo Andrade.
Harvest time: End of May to August.
Distance from Belo Horizonte: 376km. Nearest town of the Farm: Carmo do Paranaíba.
Number of workers during harvest: 25.

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